Saturday, August 11, 2007

Annoying by Adding

So I went out and talked to my other neighbor today . . . the one that looks like a sweet old lady, not the one that has a weird semi-abusive screaming at 3 a.m. relationship . . . and I now remember why I don't talk to her. I annoy her. She will talk to me for hours, all while being annoyed that I am trying to get a word in edgewise.

Today I heard about her lawn, her neighbors (Cheryl and Avery), her dogs, her daughter, her granddaughters, her back porch, her husband, her husband's prostate, her husband's spine, male menopause, and how her husband is not "regular". And I kept trying to turn the conversation to, oh, say, the weather. I did finally figure out her name though. Sharon. Sharon and Chuck. Chuck is not doing so well, with the prostate and the shots and the irregularity (at that point I thought she was talking about her dog, George) and the spine problems and such . . . oh, and cataracts. He waited too long on the cataracts.

And I shouldn't have planted morning glories, cause they just get all over the place. I was just pleased that something I planted grew.

So I'm currently filthy. And want some dinner. Dealt with some of the dining room today. Boy, do I have a lot of shit I don't need.

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