Thursday, August 09, 2007

Apologies are in Order

"Don't encourage her . . . and don't be nice. Tell her what you really think about her hair."

The server, a parent of a former student, was complimenting me on my hair. My very blue hair. She kept saying she liked it and Princess kept telling her to tell me what she really thought. Evidently, liking it was what she really thought.

"She's just saying that to be nice."

Now I will say, Princess is a trooper. She would not normally be caught dead with someone with blue hair and I mortify her. So being seen with me is a huge gesture of our friendship. Especially at places like say, the Andiamo's in Grosse Pointe, full of couples older than our parents . . . who really should better at staring when I'm not looking. Don't they yell at their kids about that?

"Why doesn't anyone come up and say nice things about my hair? I have really great hair. I pay a lot for this hair . . . and it looks way better than yours . . . "

So if you see Princess, compliment her on her hair. It always looks great. And she deserves it.


Anonymous said...

Times have the 60's there would have been a room full of "blue hairs" in Grosse Pt---ladies with blue rinses!!!

Anonymous said...

You know I don't need the compliments, but the thought was lovely:)
- Princess