Friday, August 03, 2007

Blah Emily

I have just melted my brain on season two of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And while I did enjoy it tremendously . . . as there were some episodes that didn't make it to reruns and I was not a first run Buffy fan . . . I think I am ready to be perky Emily again.

Instead of blah Emily, which has been going on for at least two weeks. I didn't leave the house for two whole days, which is so not like me. Or drunk Emily, which has happened twice this summer, which was twice too many times. Because blah Emily turns into melancholy drunk Emily . . . so not fun, or attractive. So perky, healthy eating, going into the sunshine Emily it will be. I think I'm just tired of moping.

Oh, and I have season three if this plan doesn't work out. And I'm not so sure about sunshine . . . and you are right, I have never been particularly perky. But I'm just shooting for perky for me. Which is a very low key perky. I remember.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like happy Emily. How about that one?