Thursday, August 30, 2007

Graph of Cuteness

Ah Freshmen. They have very, very short attention spans. Something to do with the hormones still flooding their bodies. Right on that line between middle school and being a "real" person, with some of them standing firmly on each side of that line.

It was a whole day of fixing names because they didn't listen to instructions. A whole day of turning items into the office, because they had been set and left on my table. A whole day of telling the congregation to "Go all the way to the end and get your picture taken" as they wandered in packs, seemingly lost in the vastness of the front hallway of the high school.

Often they are accompanied by an adult, to shuttle them through the experience. One of these adults was a graduate . . . although in the eight years I have worked there, I couldn't tell you the year he graduated. Lost in the mist of an old teacher brain. He is over 21 by now. I never had him personally as a student. Don't know his name, but don't think I ever did.

"Oh, hey . . . you're Miss ________!"
"Yes. I am." (smile my cheesy "I'm at registration and so happy about it" smile)
"You're way cuter now . . . "

How does one respond to that?

"Um . . . thanks."

So I have gone up on the cuteness graph. My cute nature has appreciated since he has graduated. Good to know that I am making some sort of cute progress. Now if I can just keep the upward trend.

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