Friday, April 06, 2007

Flying Blind

Okay. Princess hasn't called.

So I don't know where I'm going tomorrow. Not just "don't know the address" . . . I'm not even sure what city I'm supposed to be driving to. So you will find me wandering Phoenix until Monday. Monday is Scottdale . . . at least I've got that down.

And it occurs to me that I should be freaking out. Having never been to Phoenix before and not knowing anyone . . . except for a family friend that I haven't seen in thirty years. But I've been told they have good mexican food there. And Princess may call eventually. So much for the mapquesting idea though. Already such the adventure.

Maybe I should make friends on the plane.


Anonymous said...

You needs to be organized? Now it is truly an adventure :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I don't know how long it's been up, but I *love* the new masthead; it's really pretty. Hope you have a fabulous time down there with the scorpions and whatnot. And if you think it's hard finding toiletries in 3 oz bottles, you should try finding cartons of soy yogurt that they'll let through . . .

Anonymous said...

I was walking in the snow last night. IN THE SNOW. That is all.