Friday, March 10, 2006

I Would Love You Too . . .

My friend Princess has a dog training problem. The problem being that there is NO training . . . at all. "MP" does exactly what she wants, when she wants. This includes relieving herself on the floor. Princess insists that it is on the "puppy pad", which are $1.50 a piece. However, I stood this evening and watched the precious animal walk next to the puppy pad and pee on the rug. Princess assures us that "she was close" AND the pad is skewed . . . therefore confusing the cutest dog in the world.

As we stood outside, Princess held the dog in her arms and pronounced, "Yes, you love me . . . you love Mommy." I then announced that if Princess let me pee in the middle of the living room, I would love her too. Endlessly.

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