Monday, March 13, 2006

Just the Start of the Race

Went to visit the 'rents yesterday . . . partially to go for a drive and partially to check up on them and make sure that they weren't carried away by chipmunks. Found them in the basement, watching Nascar on the TV that is bigger than some European countries. Plopped down and listened to the interviews, the Prayer, the National Anthem, the "Ladies and Gentleman . . . start your engines".

By the time the cars started moving, I was ready to go DO something. Look at sheds, go outside, pull the teeth out of head . . . anything but watch the cars go round and round, in intense stereo sound. I love to sleep to Nascar. Find the engine noises soothing somehow. But I wanted to move. "Let me just watch the start of the race," pleaded my father. So I left him to Nascar, thinking to myself that the race had already started. The cars were moving, weren't they?

So ended up going to Walmart with my mother. When did my parents become hillbillies? With all the Nascar watchin' and the Walmartin'? Darn those chipmunks and deer. They're rotting their brains.


Anonymous said...

'Taint no thing wrong with the wal mart--they got some good prices there on stuff ya need! Like chipmunk baits and pellets for the gun!

iamthanu said...

There will be no shooting of chipmunks . . . as republican as we Tims are, there is a strong opposition to guns in the house. We couldn't even point our fingers as children.

Poisoning the crap out of everything is fine, however. I still remember the taste of diazinon in the air. We're from Wyandotte, chemicals don't scare us. They only make us stronger.