Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Miss Crankypants

I don't know whether it that I just spilt my dinner on the floor, or if it's because I'm turning 35 in less than a month, or my hormones are outta wack, or that my profession is currently located in the 6th level of Dante's inferno, or what . . .

but I'm really cranky today. I've been cranky for the last few days and I can't seem to shake it. Princess has suggested that it's the haircut. I pointed out that my ovaries are shrinking like raisins . . . so maybe it is a "I'm turning 35 and this is not what I pictured my life to be" crisis.

Anyhow, I need to get over it.


Anonymous said...

your ovaries are fine...
same condition as mine....

when is the exact B-day, you know I always 4get.

hope to C U this weekend, we will have to see the mom-schedule. also James wants to do something... will have to ask Don if it is OK to do something with James... hmmm.. love that everyone on the planet can read this By The Way..
PS cheer the F&*K up. Many Thanks

iamthanu said...

Yes, I think yours might be raisins also my dear . . . and I tried to cheer the F&*K up and then today happened and I'm not speaking to anyone ever again . . .

It's really safer that way.

Anonymous said...

sorry bout your day, mine sucked as well, I will call later if you are still up.

Anonymous said...

None of you have anything to complain about....try being me with Mr. CP, the broken shoulder and messed up knee..........