Wednesday, October 04, 2006

3 Billion People

There are what? Three billion people in the United States alone? So surely I can find someone else to "date" other than RBBF right?

I mean that is a possibility, right?


Anonymous said...

300 million people this month, you mean.

Anonymous said...

three hundred million in the us, about 5 billion worldwide...

iamthanu said...

Okay, I'm not a social studies teacher . . . at least I didn't say a "zillion".

Anonymous said...

Hey, geniuses, there are over 290 million people in the U.S., and nearly 7 billion in the world. Thank God you guys aren't assigned with designing and building things people depend on..LOL

iamthanu said...

Yes, we are only molding young minds . . . certainly not as important. ;)

iamthanu said...

And I think we are missing the point . . . the point was: there are many, many people in this world/country, so I could probably hook up with someone other than my ex-boyfriend's best friend. Problem is that ex boy's best friend is interested and therefore easy to flirt with . . . and ex boy's best friend is only interested because I'm his best friend's ex.

More about avoiding the whole mess than if I was right about the amount of people in the U.S.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever tried Speed Dating? I'm curious about your opinion of it.

Anonymous said...

BTW I agree with you on the importance of teachers - it seems that every other industrialized country values them more highly, socially, and pays them more accordingly to that. My hat's off to you for serving an important social function, mind-numbing as it must be at times.

iamthanu said...

No, I have not tried speed dating. And considering what a "matchdotcom disaster" (really is my nickname) I am, I'm kind of afraid of speed dating. Someone might be maimed in the process or something.

I have made enough of a mess without meeting eight or ten men in an hour. Think of how many best friends that is . . .