Saturday, October 14, 2006

Cuteness Causing Pain

I just talked to S for the first time in ages . . . well, it was instant messaging, so I just typed to S for the first time in ages. He's so into being a dad. Just got a puppy, something that he would have NEVER imagined doing before becoming a father. A testament to how much being a parent changes you.

Sent me pictures. Always does . . . and she is now so cute and looks so much like her father, it makes me want to cry. I miss him. I miss him being my best friend and calling him up at 3 a.m. and him calling me with all his drama. But there is no drama anymore, other than puppies piddling on the floor. And his wife gets to be his best friend . . . and really that's the way it should be. But what I wouldn't give to sit around with him, endless coffee, shooting the shit, like we used to . . . when we were young.


Anonymous said...

bloggeroo-hey, keep up the faith...keep pushing on...running intervals, getting up after falling...keep looking for the one for you remember the 70's motto..."keep on keeping on"? and a big red shoe.....with flare pants? do it...keep on keeping on...tom

iamthanu said...

Oh, I haven't lost any faith . . . just miss Stu, that's all. And actually, miss a Stu that doesn't exist anymore . . . and I know it.

As for the big red shoe, my we are showing our age. I'd hate to admit remembering anything from the 70's. But yes, I do remember.

Thanks for the pep talk.

iamthanu said...

Yeah, I didn't want to be married to him . . . until he was married . . .

And now, just miss the company. He would always call me with some stupid confession. Something he had done to make him a fabulous disaster. And now, if I share my stories, they just fall . . . he can't relate, doesn't want to go back there, gives me a married person response.

I'm sure he's pissed that we haven't seen each other in six years. But I just can't . . .