Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Lost Have Been Found

I have been missing my favorite pair of glasses for several months. Not that I ever wear my glasses in public . . . and not like they are the right prescription, because they are over five years old. But I liked them. They were my favorite glasses. And they worked for watching television in bed. And for occasions on the weekend where I had to go out before I wanted to put on my contacts. And they were missing.

I longed for them. But I had taken to the theory that if I didn't look for them, they would eventually turn up. That strategy was taking a long time . . . and we all know how patient I am. Did I leave them in France? No. I remember wearing them after that. They weren't in all the places that I would put glasses. I almost wanted RBBF to look for them because the last place I remember wearing them was with RB . . . and RBBF is helpful, or wants to be helpful about stuff like that.

So I went shopping for some new ones. And gosh darn it, there aren't new ones. They glasses at See were all too square, or too black, or too thick . . . not like the perfect glasses.

I just found them underneath my bed. Which is a great place to store eyeglasses. Very useful. With the killer dust bunnies. Now I can take them to the store to buy new ones, just like them. Cause the rhinestone ones hurt my ears. And are too much in most situations.


Anonymous said...

bloggerooo-keeping busy in Hwoods...stoning a to speak...still in the process of finding what was lost...doing good...noticed the bkly front today...ex bought a house in bkley least made an offer...i like your new profile....and suggest that you keep "shooting for it'''

dont settle...leads to misery, weight gain, passive aggression and more misery...

dont...keep those high standards....but remember the bar closes at two..


iamthanu said...

Huh? The bar closes at two . . .

The older man wears a yellow raincoat at midnight. What?

The Berkley Front is awesome. My favorite.

So you're in Huntington?

Anonymous said...

Sorry-the bar closes at two...didnt have enough context to carry the thought...what i meant to convey is that you shouldnt settle but that you sometimes must make the bar closes at make your pick before the two oclock last call.......didnt pull the thought off well...

Be careful of older men wearing a raincoat at midnight especially if it is not raining....especially...

Doing a lot of work in Hwoods...booming a detroit way...


Anonymous said...

Funny you mention "gosh darn it" - my daughter calls Jean-Claude Van Damme 'Jean-Claude Gosh Darn' - a better name than his apparent acting ability...