Thursday, January 11, 2007

Pretty Colors to Order Your Bug in

Went to my other class today and it turns out that I really needed to buy "George". Instructor is my age, Cranbrook grad, no ring. The crowd is older this night, with people who are all about sharing how much of a snotty, snotty know-it-all they are . . . which is usually my job. It was nice to have a night off in the know-it-all department (though I may have gotten there if the others weren't so vocal). And there is this guy in the class that has the most amazing tattoo . . . a realistic spine tattooed were his spine is. So I am going to try to sit next to him next time, if only to get a better view of the tatt. So Thursday night is looking like fun.
And I have to get a move on for class on Monday. Any requests? I want to cast in white gold . . . at least a couple of rings. And just to challenge myself, I would like to do stone setting (not required, but I have never done it before). If I go to CR Hill this weekend, I could have the molds done in time for him to do the demo (speaking of snotty, snotty k.i.a.) . . . I wonder if you can order diamonds over the web. They should be cheaper if they are not already in rings, right? Or rubies . . . rubies are good with white gold. So fun to think of the possibilities.
And ridiculous because I don't even wear much jewelry.

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