Saturday, January 13, 2007

Hat Update

Sister of Princess: "She made you a hat?"
Princess: "Yeah, she made me a pink one . . . I've worn it twice. It makes my head look fat."
Me: "It makes your head look fat?"
S of P: "Go get the hat, I'll wear it."
"It's in the basement . . . somewhere . . . "
"It's been banished to the basement?"
"Well, I wore it twice."

So much for the guilt working. Banished to the basement.

"It's not banished to the basement."
"Go get the hat, I want to see the hat."
"Fine. I'll show you how it makes my head look fat."

Princess goes to basement, comes up with hat on.

"See, my head looks fat."

I put hat on . . .

"See. Emily's head doesn't look fat."
"That's because she's wearing it differently. You have it to your eyes. She's wearing it back on her head."
Princess puts on hat.
"Yeah, that's better."
"But there's so much forehead."
"Okay, gimme the hat. (hat is thrown) Here is choice A (back of head) . . . and here is choice B (how you wear the hat)."
"B is definitely better."
"Well, I'm sorry that I'm not positioning the hat correctly. You still look like a cat burglar."
"A cat burglar in a fuzzy pink hat?"
"Well . . . a friendly cat burglar then."


Anonymous said...

I miss Princess.

Anonymous said...

Where is the A/B picture? Let the world judge!

iamthanu said...

Okay, I'll assume that the second comment is from someone male . . . who definitely doesn't know Princess.

Princess would never sit for very long with a hat on that she felt made her head look fat. And that's without a camera in the room. Getting a picture of her with the hat on would be like photographing, I dunno, camera-shy bats in some jungle . . . who could smell you. I would need special equipment and a "blind" and the cover of darkness . . . and someone would have to distract her. If I did get a shot, I would then have to have an elaborate escape plan, as she would hunt me down. "George" and I would have to move to Brazil.

So no, no a/b picture. Ever.