Wednesday, January 03, 2007


This year I promise that I will use denial more. For example, I didn't see RB last night . . . I just thought I did. It was some guy that looked like RB, with a bad haircut. But it wasn't RB. The mind, it plays tricks on you. (Thank you, Princess, for this wonderful life strategy.)

I promise to go to the Y and sweat for a least a half an hour, every other day, in an attempt to not punch anyone in the face. If there is sweating then there is less urge to hurt someone when they are being dumb. And I will try not to ogle at the cute boys.

I will try to not be such a smartypants . . . or if that is not possible, I will try not to be such an overt smartypants. There are times that it would be better if I kept my mouth shut. And maybe smiled.

I will try to make more art. I have been a little light on the creative side for a couple of years. Will try to make a painting. Will do more photography. Will really push myself on the jewelry.

I think I need to think more about what is a need and what is a want. I really want a boyfriend . . . but don't really need one. Same with soy lattes. And clothes. I don't need any more clothes. Or CDs. So yeah, think about wants versus needs before whining. Or doing things. Or buying things.

I want to learn to snowboard (I know that I just said that I would think about wants versus needs, but this doesn't count) . . . so I'm going to learn to snowboard this year. If it ever snows. I will wear a helmet and try not to break anything else.

I want to go back to Europe, although Princess just backed out of Italy. I didn't really want to go to the Vatican anyhow. So see if someone wants to go to Prague (or someplace) with me and my sister . . . cause Mere and I can only handle each other for three days.

I will try to go to an art museum at least once a month . . . and be more active in the art community. Maybe volunteer at the MOCAD. If they will have me.

And I need to save more. And not think that people are dumb, cause sometimes they surprise you. And have more of a poker face, in all respects.

There you go . . . what I'm going to do in 2007.

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