Monday, March 27, 2006

What Do You Mean I've Been Tagged?

Yes, I know this is dumb.
Four jobs you have had in your life:
1. library page
2. meat processing

3. lifeguard
4. teacher

Four movies you would watch over and over:
1. Sixteen Candles
2. Sin City

3. To Kill a Mockingbird
3.5 La Femme Nikita
4. Romeo and Juliet (since I have to for school anyhow)
4.5 Shopgirl

Four places you have lived:
1. Cleveland, OH

2. Wyandotte, MI
3. Canton, MI
4. Detroit, MI (my friends from the west side of the state would argue that Canton, Plymouth and Berkley ARE Detroit, MI)

Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. Alias

2. CSI
3. NCIS (mmm. . . Mark Harmon)
4. Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Four places you have been on vacation:
1. Paris

2. Miami
4. Hawaii

Four websites you visit daily:

2. blogger
3. hotmail

Four of my favorite foods/restaurants:
1. Strawberries

2. Vanilla Yogurt
3. Guinness
4. "Stout" in Brighton

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. in my bed

2. on the sun porch in Milford
3. 1976 (very little responsibility that year)
4. on a random road trip

Thanks to M1 for providing the topic of the day . . . otherwise I would have gone on a rant about genetic engineering.


Anonymous said...

uhmmm, 1976, when pooh shirts and plaid pants were in, and painting at an easel in the driveway was great fun, remember?

Anonymous said...

I think your top 4 movies became 6.. funny that.
I dont know what the hell being TAGGED meant, it was a forward from a random....
i never like to fill this crap out... but i figured WHY NOT this time.. 4 no good reason....

iamthanu said...

I did love those plaid pants . . . you do still have them somewhere right?

My top 4 movies became six because I had trouble thinking of four movies to start and then just kept thinking of movies . . .

Anonymous said...

the pooh shirt plaid pants was not from me...
someone else is using my Anonymous name... and really it is only becuz I 4got my friggin password

iamthanu said...

I know pooh shirt and plaid pants was not from you . . . my mother is also anonymous. I think I know your password, by the way.