Monday, July 17, 2006

Boys Suck

"Coffee" has been cancelled. Other things to do. Strike two.

Do I really want to date someone that has other things to do? So many that it doesn't leave time for coffee?

I know it's not supposed to be easy. But now, it's Monday night . . . I have makeup on . . . and all I have to look forward to is that "The Closer" is going to be on in 15 minutes (I was sad about missing it for coffee). This sucks.

I know, I know . . . it should say Men Suck, as I'm not talking about anyone under the age of 29 . . . but they all act like boys.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, but did you get the line about jealous and late...stay tuned, as the teaser explains the comment1

Anonymous said...

Can you put spell check on this thing?

iamthanu said...

No, you cannot put spell check on this thing . . . and I don't understand the first comment at all. The lead must be eating my brain cells.