Monday, October 09, 2006

Closing a Chapter

Funny, the things that happen in our lives that allow us to move on . . . from longing and regret. Never anything earth shattering, sometimes just a soft sound or a rustling (metaphorically, of course).

And you always want the earth shattering, the end, the finality. Want to make it go boom and poke it with a stick, which never makes it better. But instead, it is like the state between being aware and daydreaming . . . you can't make yourself be in that state or remember it anyhow.

Today I got out of bed and it was okay.


Anonymous said...

I have had coworkers with PhDs, and your reasoning for getting one seems to be as good as any they gave...

iamthanu said...

Shouldn't this comment be with another post? Anyhow, thank you . . . I think being able to go to the bathroom is an awesome reason to go back to school.