The camera might be found tomorrow . . . which would relieve this tight, nauseous feeling in my stomach. And I might be able to listen to people again, instead of wracking my brain about where the camera might be. I won't mention any names, but it might be at someone's house. Why they didn't say anything the first fifty times I asked about the camera, I don't know. Their life must be even more chaotic than mine. But I don't have to buy a guilt camera now. I can just go buy a camera.
I did "interval" training for a full three miles this evening and hated every darn minute of it. Who knew that Huntington Woods was so hilly? And curvy? Oh well, made it through. Will make sure to go downhill next time . . . I know there should be an uphill on the other side but there isn't. Strange, like the Mystery Spot or something.
(I always wanted to go to the Mystery Spot. It fascinated me as a child. My parents told me that it was a complete rip off and I remember thinking that they had never been there either, so how did they know? Yeah, there isn't much to do in St. Ignace.)
So camera found. Workout done. Nothing in the house to eat. Bathroom still not cleaned but all the supplies are out. The mood just hasn't struck yet. Oh, and lots and lots of paperwork done at work. Yippee!
Someday I'm going to be a good enough girl . . . and not be doomed to repeat Homecoming again and again. After seven years, it's like the movie "Groundhog Day". Off to go find my Hawaiian shirt for "Hawaiian shirt day". Someone rub plague on me now, so I can stay home.
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hey bloggeroo...finally found your blog...made a comment on your great picture (with the hat on)...glad you found the camera..should have looked in the bathroom...hooray for the intervals...but three miles is too ready, set, go...for the details...tom
Yeah, I wasn't really doing intervals . . . so lies and propaganda were being thrown about like birdseed. On a new "course" I like to run five and then walk five and since I haven't built up to a true three miles and this was longer than 3 miles miles, well, it went pretty well.
And how much can I mention the movie "Groundhog Day"? Geez.
Well, NOW I know it is a big rip off . . . but try explaining that to six-year-old me.
You could just be like the grouchy old teachers who ignore the who homecoming hype, don't even own a Hawiian shirt and don't care. Works for a lot of them...
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