Sunday, January 14, 2007

From Tuesday Night

I had to retouch a finger (thanks Dave) so my mother wouldn't freak out. She insists that is why she doesn't have a decent Christmas picture either. Cause we are all about the sticking up of fingers.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Some very Glamour Shot ones there in the Middle - surprized Mom has not already snatched those up for her annual newsletter!
- M

hud said...

Great pics!

Like, for real.

iamthanu said...

Matchdotcom demons AND nervedotcom demons both rejected them this morning (I took the middle six and posted them as one pic . . . they didn't need my brother in a pimp hat). The nerve demons accused me of "person other than you in the photo or inappropriate content". Hmph, from the nerve demons. I mean really.

So thanks. I was feeling rejected. (smile)