Friday, November 17, 2006

Threatening With Gifts

Princess came to my lowly place of business to drop off a bunch of work that I need to do this weekend . . . so lovely being a hired gun.

"I hope you haven't been wearing that hat all day."
"Can't wear hats in school [like she's forgotten in the three months she's been gone]; I'm just wearing it so I won't lose it . . . because I'm cleaning my desk." (you don't understand, cleaning the desk is an intensive undertaking . . . hats could get lost)
"Well thank goodness."
"Hey! I made this hat. I like this hat."
"Makes you look like a cat burglar."
"Just for that, I'm making you one."
"Because if I make you a gift, you will have to wear it to be polite. Because I made it."
"Well, don't make it in black."

I love it when Princess and I talk about hats. She is really constantly disappointed.

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