Saturday, November 04, 2006

I'm Goin'

. . . to Electric Six tonight . . . and you're not.

Hope they dress up as the Lincolns (third video down), cause that would be really fun.

And it was my first experience buying tickets online . . . and I'm never going to do that again. Figured that the service charge would be worth it to not have to go down there or worse yet, get there and find that they were sold out. But at $5.20 extra a ticket, next time I'll chance it. We could always go to Small Plates to dinner instead.


Anonymous said...

Once again, I find myself reading many things in which I don't understand. You have never bought tickets on-line? Why on earth not??? You are the most computer savy person I know. Also, this concert sounds extremely questionable. I would like details of who you are going with (or dragging to the show).

- Princess

iamthanu said...

I went with Erika. Yes, I dragged her there . . . she was very nice about it. I would have dragged you too, but St. Andrews is dirty.