Friday, June 29, 2007

But The Grocery Kid Just . . .

I left the house today. To buy buttons and coffee and a cd I was longing for . . .

I ran into someone from my belly dancing class at Starbucks, meaning there was smiling and chit-chatting. And we all know how much I like that. And then I had to "unknit" the shawl I brought to work on while I drank the coffee . . . because my sticky note is unsticky. And yet, it was okay.

At Habermans, I figured I could find buttons for eyes in the bargain bin . . . but then I got distracted by the buttons behind the counter. That you have to ask to touch. And I picked out a bunch, because I couldn't decide what would look better. And when I got to the register, the total came to $24.95. Who can spend $24.95 on sock monkey eyes? Granted, I have enough for four or five monkeys . . . but the damn socks only cost $2.99. But they are beautiful eyes. So that was okay.

So I went to Record Time and Ingrid Michaelson was not in the "M"s in the indie section. And that was annoying. To whole point was to buy the independent label music at the independent record store. And I was starting to think that perhaps I should give in to itunes, instead of my archaic idea that I have to touch it. But then I found her in the "I"s. And the music is really good. So that was okay.

And then I went to the arty gift shop on Nine Mile, that I never remember the name of, and I almost bought a t-shirt that read "Knitters are Knotty" but decided that I really didn't like brown and that it would have been better if it actually said "Naughty". But I talked the clerk into applying for an internship at "Bitch" (the magazine). Told her that she should go for it . . . that she could certainly just call them and they would give her an internship. Opportunity favors the bold. She seemed convinced. And that was okay.

Then went to T.J.'s to get some food. (Just spilled some wild mushroom quesadilla on my skirt.) Bought three bottles of wine. Couldn't find the no raisin trail mix because they put it on the bottom shelf. They like my hair. Oh, and almost killed one of the grocery clerks because she tripped over my basket. But the boy who rang my groceries very earnestly asked for my i.d. to buy the wine. And I love that . . . very much.

And as I ripped the new found CD to itunes . . . a new category appeared in the "genre" section. "Easy Listening". I just bought something that reads easy listening. And that is sooooo not okay.


Anonymous said...

If you didn't have blue hair, you would be such a grown up!

iamthanu said...

Thanks Mommy!

Anonymous said...

Once you open the Pandora's Box that is Easy Listening it's all downhill from there.

Been nice knowing ye.

iamthanu said...

Ah, pots should not be so quick to chide kettles.