Thursday, June 21, 2007

Summer Day Three

That whole idea that I was going to go into work? Yeah . . . I so haven't been into work.

Yesterday, after Pilate's (which kicked my ass), I went wig shopping.

And where does your everyday suburban white girl with blue hair go to buy a wig? Northland mall, of course . . . same place that she goes to buy furniture. What used to be Marshall Fields closeout furniture is on the third floor . . . stacks and stacks of scratch-and-dent furniture . . . marked down in a sorta Dutch auction style. And there is Lee Beauty Supply . . . with it's aisles of hair.

Lee Beauty Supply is between the Target and what is now Macy's. I stumbled upon it when I decided to figure out how to walk the maze to the Target, instead of driving the outside maze of Northland. Lee Beauty Supply had very earnest, but hilarious, commercials on cable about all my hair needs, so I decided to check it out. And I found the aisles of hair . . . and the wig room.

While I find the bags of hair fascinating . . . I don't need extensions. And this was the first time I seriously shopped in the wig room. There are signs on neon paper stating "Please wear wig cap and ask for assistance before trying on wigs" and well, I have blue hair, so assistance found me.

So you pick out your wigs and they put pantyhose on your head. Amazing how soccer mom I can look with a brown bob. After trying on several, I went with a longish black bob . . . made of 100% human hair in China. I was really shooting for synthetic . . . but the black bob looked the best. And according to the wig stylist, I can curl it and stuff. Made me very sad that I could buy someone's head of hair and a Styrofoam head for under $50. Plus all the sewing it to a cap and all. I really would have paid more.

So on summer day three, I bought new hair. And now that I have a "wig stylist" I may go buy more instead of dyeing my hair. Turns out that wigs are way cheaper. (no, they didn't have a blue one) I feel so Sydney Bristow.


Anonymous said...

Sydney Bristow? I miss her. If you really want to be like her now you need to get some weapons.

iamthanu said...

Me. With weapons. Other than my biting wit.

Sounds like an invitation for someone's foot being shot off.

Anonymous said...

new pictures?

Anonymous said...

Yes! Weapons!

PS- your antispam word verification gizmo bugs the shit out of me. If I can't read/duplicate what it purports to say does that automatically make me a spammer?

iamthanu said...

Yes, it does. It makes you a spammer. An evil, evil one.

And quit whining. It doesn't become you.

You don't have to delete all the spam when it's off . . . do you?

And I would like some weapons . . . stored at the proper facility , of course. Maybe just to shoot a gun or two.