Monday, August 15, 2005

How do sick for real people do this?

I just spent the entire morning at doctors' offices . . . 8:45 a.m. appointment that had been rescheduled by the doctor (like I would schedule an appointment for anything in the morning) and I didn't even see the guy until 9:30. He then wants me to call my insurance company to see if these orthodics are covered . . . aren't there seven people in the office to do that? Go get the allergy shots (they admonish . . . has been 10 days) and spend an hour on hold with my insurance company. They tell me yes, the orthodics are covered, as long as they are attached to leg braces. I then call the doctor's office who tells me they won't order them with leg braces (can't we just rip those babies off?) and that will be $350 please and thank you. That's more than the bathroom sink I have my eye on . . . though I suppose I have to be able to walk.

So how do sick people do this? There's nothing really wrong with me. Well, really minor stuff like not being able to breathe out of the left side of my nose and the alien in my face. Oh, and I walk wrong . . . but I've always walked wrong. I can't imagine doing this while feeling like crap or while working. I'm sure there is much more screaming involved. Hell, I also screamed at the chicka on the phone at the doctor's office after the "can't you just send it in to Blue Cross and then if they don't cover it, I'll pay for it" circular conversation.

Really my own fault for not working for a district with MESSA.

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