Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Just a little clue

I am slowing realizing that anonymous posts kinda suck . . . don't get me wrong, I love that people are commenting. For gosh sake, don't stop commenting . . . in fact, comment more because it makes me think that someone might be reading this and that is so much more comforting than talking to air. (I will talk to air though . . . those of you who know me realize this)

But the last two comments posted have been from people I know (or that I assume I know) (who else knows about the lobsters in the yearbook room?) . . . but they don't have blogger accounts. So give me a hint or something. You could always sign it. Princess just gives me a call after she comments (except now . . . she won't be speaking to me now because I mentioned her). So yeah, just a little clue . . . unless, of course, you prefer to remain anonymous.

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