Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Sorry, Feeling Poetic (Two Days in a Row)

I have exactly what I had before I met you . . .
same eyes, same smile, same skill sets,
same smart-ass mouth that gets me in trouble.

And I am now to thinking
about what annoyed me.
And I can place it in front of
my thoughts of the good.
And that makes things easier.
And the patch of loneliness
left by you is tended . . .

I have exactly what I had before I met you.
Same likes and dislikes,
same goals and dreams.
You just opened a door on
a dream I already had.
What hurt was the slamming shut.

I have exactly what I had before I met you.
I don't know why it felt like
you took something away.
There was nothing to take.
That I didn't have more of, anyhow.

I have exactly what I had before I met you,
and now that I don't know you.


Anonymous said...

Well spoken.

Anonymous said...

and a nah-nah-nah-nah-nah, nah!!! pfhfffft!

iamthanu said...

pfhfffft? I'm not sure if that's supposed to be supportive . . . or a dis . . .