Finally bought batteries for the camera . . .
Bought the batteries so I could collect ideas for the window replacement plan. Then drove around the neighborhood to take pics of the several thousand different versions of my house (though only the ones I like). Didn't think about how creepy it is to take pictures of other people's houses -- felt very much like a burglar and kept expecting someone to write my license plate down. The police haven't shown up yet, so I think it might be okay.
The stuffed lobsters were from the Flag ass booth. And of course I got you one. I have to come back to the school one day to get pictures from Mrs. Leone so I'll drop it by one day. When do the teachers have to come back to school?
~yearbook couch girl (blond hair)
Honestly, I don't know when I have to be back . . . how irresponsible, huh? I've been kinda avoiding even thinking about work . . . I figure they'll send me a letter or something about when they want me to show up.
Thank you awfully much for the lobster! I'm so excited!
Bought Batteries....
The possibilities.
no prob, carry on the lobster legacy!
Yeah, this pic is not the best. I agree with commenter on later entry. Loose this pic! Doesn't show the muppet hair to its advantage!
You people . . . it's gone, okay?
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