Monday, June 26, 2006

And the Lady in Front of Me Left Her Eggs

I purchased the following today:

One scarf kit from Japan . . . to knit out of stainless steel thread (yes, stainless steel thread!) . . . should be here in two weeks

a rubber mallet from Target . . . it was in the dollar bin and when can you get a rubber mallet for a dollar? Only problem: I had to walk through the store with a significant urge to hit people and things with the rubber mallet. Managed to suppress it.

Meijers: 12 pack of Rolling Rock, 12 of Corona, some rum, mint, bag of limes, tomatoes, one cucumber, fresh mozzarella, five cups of Dannon vanilla yogurt, two different kinds of organic mac and cheese, four two-liters of Coke Zero, pasta sauce, very vanilla soymilk, pound of hot sausage, pound of ground sirloin, 2 avocados, 10 tortillas, tiny container of sour cream, cranberry juice (with splenda! so it says on the package), 4 lean cuisines, and three containers of strawberries

So basically, all I consume are strawberries and beer. Oh, and Coke Zero . . . but I'm sure it will have some rum in it. Total spent: $125.45
Mojitos on the porch watching the world go by: priceless


Anonymous said...

Before I got to the end of the entry, I actually thought that you were having a Mexican Fiesta. Perhaps even throwing a party! I was excited for about three seconds.
- Princess
P.S. I'll pass on the 20 percent off drinks:)

iamthanu said...

I could throw a party . . .

I don't know, The Bosco is very you. You have to wear good shoes and such. Plenty of disposable income being thrown around and very fashionable sofas . . . your kind of place Princess. Even though it's in Ferndale.

Definitely no stickiness . . . like the other places I like to frequent. You would be able to sit down without anxiety.