Monday, September 18, 2006

Happy Birthday Morna!

It's my mother's birthday today . . . and I'm catching up, as I'm getting towards 39 too, when I'm not pretending to be 27.

There is not a day that I do not thank my lucky stars because have a Mom that is also my best friend. She's wicked smart, has excellent taste, and is one of the most together people I know. She has always been supportive, even when she disagrees with my decisions. Oh, she'll let me know that she disagrees though, don't you worry . . .

Anyhow, not everyone has a mother that they want to call every day. I do. That makes me a very lucky girl.

Happy Birthday Mom!


Anonymous said...

Thanks! Sorry about no calls. Service is not all that great here.....had an interesting celebration with my co-workers!!!!

iamthanu said...

Yeah, Dad keeps calling me about random television shows that he wants me to turn on and watch. Something about a character on a "class" show that is ME . . . if so, I think I should be getting some checks in the mail for my likeness.