Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Just Three More Blocks . . .

Just three more blocks and I am up to 2 miles, which doesn't sound like much . . . but my legs didn't get the memo. Promised myself that I would get to THAT stop sign, which I did. And I'm stinkin' slow. Need to work on speed. Screw it . . . need to work on speed and distance . . . Stuffing Stomp is in November and November isn't that far away.

Lived through today. Living through tomorrow seems very doable, as long as I close my door. Life is good.

Anyone want to be a guest ghost writer on the match? (I've decide to call it the match this week, as in "I thought he was into me but he's back on the match, so I guess not.") I'm changing the profile once a week . . . because it's fun and at this point I don't care. Usually the point of not caring is when things are the most fun. Think of it as a sort of performance art piece. Because according to the match and their commercials, if I had followed their advice I would have "found someone special" in the first sixth months (or it's free!!). But I'm so not good at following directions. So next week: riff on not being able to follow directions. Week after: just questions . . . 2000 characters of questions.

And Thursday, the three blocks. I'm on it.


Anonymous said...

Your a jerk!

Sorry couldn't resist.


Anonymous said...

You know, life IS good. I met a wonderful woman here and things even seem to be making sense, who knows... Kinda scary, but is sure nice right now. It's even sunny for a few more weeks (oops, shouldn't have said that...)

iamthanu said...

Why am I a jerk again?

iamthanu said...

Dear Seattle guy,

I'll try not to jinx it either . . . but that's great! I'm glad things are falling into place. Yay!

Anonymous said...

Thanks! Don't worry so much about finding someone - heck, I'm 49 and found someone great! Plus my ex had our second daughter when she was 42 and she turned out great (the daughter, that is - she's planning to be a doctor) so you have some serious time left before you start an Emily as mommy family. Ok, couldn't resist the rhythm of that...LOL

Anonymous said...

Ok so I got lazy and greedy!

{Bonus points for calling me out about being a jerk, if I’m being a jerk (although not right now, over email .}

But when you offer Bonus points...


Anonymous said...

Ugh, I have this coworker who is a hardass about everything. We've had a contractor for the last month who ran into a serious medical problem and is coming back up to speed. He's a really nice guy and I'm willing to work with him to get him back on schedule but my coworker's trying to get him fired. What a Nazi bitch...I swear to God I can hear her jackboots when she walks...hopefully, as a teacher, you don't have to hire or fire people, it really sucks. I know, it's not your problem, but it's nice to vent in one more place...LOL Sorry about that...

iamthanu said...

Yeah, the bonus points were a mistake . . . and the stalker man sent me ANOTHER email about it(so much for "and I'm just going to walk away"), so I guess I really need a rewrite.

So 20 points to you then . . . before I take away the offer.

iamthanu said...

As a teacher I do not have the luxury (and I see it as a luxury) of hiring or firing. I get all comers and then have to deal no matter what . . .

It doesn't seem like it's appropriate in the situation described but some people need to be fired . . . and sometimes being fired becomes the best thing that ever happened to a person (though it never seems like it at the time) (kind of like break-ups).

And it is okay to vent . . .

Anonymous said...

Sorry to here about it. You need to seriosly think about your next move. If he can't let this die off, then...

I feel like an ass joking around about it in the last e-mail. Sorry!

Also I noticed on Match the other night an abundance of teacher's. Whats up with that. Do you guys get a discount or something?

Also, do bonus points have an experation date like coupons? Just wondering is all.

Hope things get resolved with stalker/I'm to full of myself to let it go guy.


iamthanu said...

Right now he is just emailing incessantly . . . pretty easy just to hit delete (actually, I file them for evidence). Harder not to read them first, but it just makes me feel bad so I try not to. I just skim them for the death threats.

Turns out that he has been viewing my friend a lot too . . . so I'm sure he is doing this to other women. Maybe it works for him? If I make someone feel guilty enough they'll go out with me? I'd hate to see what happens after the one date.

Bonus points do not expire. They are not exactly like coupons.

And there are lots of teachers on match because lots of women are teachers . . . and all the smart men became something other than a teacher. We have no one to meet through work or contacts at work. Think about it . . . even if you have a rule that you don't date anyone at work, you still meet suppliers, or people from other departments, or even people at lunch (because we can't go out for lunch). I meet 14 to 18 year olds and their parents, sometimes if they are good parents. Can't date any of that.

So no, didn't get a match discount.