Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Open . . . in the House

As I sit here in my office, waiting for the function to start, I realize that I really need some gum. And I don't have any.

The stupid ID that they want me to somehow wear (I'm taping it to my dress) (not kidding) (considered just sticking it in cleavage) has my red hair on it . . . so not what they had in mind.

It is muggy as all hell and no one shows up for these things . . . and I have 90 papers to grade. Plus, I have phone calls to make after this thing is over. Not the fun kind. The "we have to talk" kind.

I'll update with a count later.


Anonymous said...

Still going "well", I take it?

iamthanu said...


But I suppose it would depend on your definition of "well" . . .

A good state of being . . . or a deep hole in the ground, with water.