Monday, September 04, 2006

So Much to Elude to . . .

According to my nephew, there are pirates hanging out at Stately Wayne Manor in the woods. He and Mom routinely pick up trash . . . a Z. anti-squiggle technique and Z. found an empty rum bottle . . . and made the logical eight-year-old conclusion that there must be pirates. He later found a beer bottle and a paper cup, which only confirmed his suspicions. There are pirates in my parents' backyard. I can't wait to meet them.

Remember the guy that emailed me and told me about all the sites I am on and all my usernames? And I was creeped out and didn't respond to him? Well, four more emails from him later . . . and he is getting mean. And I don't know what to do about it. So I'm sitting here thinking about continuing with the current path of not responding, or responding with a short "get bent", or responding with why I didn't respond in the first place. Having a death spiral over someone I have no desire to talk to . . . yeah! My brain is so fun. Any suggestions? Just don't make them mean . . . I can't take any more mean.

Tomorrow is stuff and things for real . . . and I'm not ready, in any capacity. What was my mantra again? "Not my problem" and "Patience". Okay. Got it.


Anonymous said...

You should turn off this 'comment' feature until you know that the mean guy won't use it to publish mean comments (since he's such a geek he might be able to find your blog site).

iamthanu said...

Stalker man won't find this site . . . and if he does, I'll deal with it then, not now. I like comments.

But I am totally okay with the advice of not feeding the animals. Shall choose it for now.

Anonymous said...

And if it gets ugly, I can round up the Pirates and they can threaten him with paper cups and rum bottles!