Saturday, August 19, 2006

"Fingernails That Shine Like Justice" II

There is a rhythm to getting a manicure and a pedicure that I'm not yet familar with. I think everything happens in the same order . . . but being a newbie, I'm not sure about the order. When to put your foot down and lift the other. When the hot towels are suppose to come. When to get the money out, which is not at the end because your nails are wet.

It's not something that I want to do every two weeks. It's a bit expensive . . . although we all know what I spend on my coffee habit. There's something about being waited on. I mean, the lady is washing your feet. Maybe it's the fact that I'm perfectly capable of painting my nails myself . . . but then again, I do have an espresso maker at home and I feel totally comfortable paying someone to make that for me.

And you have to relax, which I have a problem with . . . poor manicurist kept telling me to relax my hands and I had to think really hard in order to accomplish that for her. But my nails look really good. And they're real and mine and everything. And red . . . they're really really red.

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