Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Mr. Crabbypants Wants Everyone To Know

That Crabby people are smart. Really. It was in USA Today last week. Whole article on how crabby old men were smarter than sweet and nice old men. Not sure if the smartness makes you crabby. Pretty sure that the crabby-ness doesn't make you smart . . . because then no one wants to do things for you.

And for the record, Mr. Crabbypants is smart. And crabby. And very particular about his pants.


Anonymous said...

Woo Hooo! I'm a genius! I think I'll call MENSA.

And wow 3 posts in less than 3 hours. I guess you are a power blogger.

Someone deserves an extra coffee.

~sms~ (I know, nice use of the tilde)

iamthanu said...

No, not a power blogger.

Just stuck in a waiting room with really old magazines and internet access.

Bored out of my skull.

Anonymous said...

Pants must be pleated, preferably dockers...sometimes even denim pleated dockers (from his special stock).


iamthanu said...

Currently, he is wearing NON-pleated cargo shorts . . . very hip for him. Don't know how he got them. I must have picked them out at the outlet mall or something.

His leg is up and he is fine. Except when the cat jumps on his leg. Then he is not fine.